Connecting Employees with Employers

Companies looking to hire
Diferent Services available
Employees from around on the world
Employees ready to be hired

Simple and flexible pricing options

Simple, flexible, and predictable pricing. Choose which service is best suited for you

Get Hired Today!

Social Scout Group will guarantee you a spot in a company. We will use all our possible tools and contacts to make sure you are hired! We work we companies nationwide We are up to date with hiring procedures, industries and companies

Looking to Hire for your business?

We will make sure to hire the best possible candidates for your business Our job is to connect employees and employers! If we dont give you a great fit, we will give you your money back

How does it work?

Free tips!

1. Connect Online: Clients are 90% more likely to buy online than remembering an ad they saw on TV or a banner they saw on the street.

2. Prioritize Authenticity

3. Target the right audience and create engaging call to actions

4. Build Partnerships

5. Make Performance Analysis an Ongoing Strategy

6. Nurture Brand Advocates

7. Engage with your clients: A perfect example

8. Constantly Optimize User Experience

9. Embrace Paid Social

10. Look for Opportunities to Diversify

Fun Fact: 86% of marketing will be online by 2024. We are aware of how important technology has changed through marketing and we are here to help you succeed!

Free tips!

1. Connect Online: Clients are 90% more likely to buy online than remembering an ad they saw on TV or a banner they saw on the street.

2. Prioritize Authenticity

3. Target the right audience and create engaging call to actions

4. Build Partnerships

5. Make Performance Analysis an Ongoing Strategy

6. Nurture Brand Advocates

7. Engage with your clients: A perfect example

8. Constantly Optimize User Experience

9. Embrace Paid Social

10. Look for Opportunities to Diversify

Fun Fact: 86% of marketing will be online by 2024 We are aware of how important technology has changed through marketing and we are here to help you succeed!

Free tips!

1. Connect Online: Clients are 90% more likely to buy online than remembering an ad they saw on TV or a banner they saw on the street.

2. Prioritize Authenticity

3. Target the right audience and create engaging call to actions

4. Build Partnerships

5. Make Performance Analysis an Ongoing Strategy

6. Nurture Brand Advocates

7. Engage with your clients: A perfect example

8. Constantly Optimize User Experience

9. Embrace Paid Social

10. Look for Opportunities to Diversify

Fun Fact: 86% of marketing will be online by 2024. We are aware of how important technology has changed through marketing and we are here to help you succeed!

Free tips!

1. Connect Online: Clients are 90% more likely to buy online than remembering an ad they saw on TV or a banner they saw on the street.

2. Prioritize Authenticity

3. Target the right audience and create engaging call to actions

4. Build Partnerships

5. Make Performance Analysis an Ongoing Strategy

6. Nurture Brand Advocates

7. Engage with your clients: A perfect example

8. Constantly Optimize User Experience

9. Embrace Paid Social

10. Look for Opportunities to Diversify

Fun Fact: 86% of marketing will be online by 2024 We are aware of how important technology has changed through marketing and we are here to help you succeed!

Free tips!

1. Connect Online: Clients are 90% more likely to buy online than remembering an ad they saw on TV or a banner they saw on the street.

2. Prioritize Authenticity

3. Target the right audience and create engaging call to actions

4. Build Partnerships

5. Make Performance Analysis an Ongoing Strategy

6. Nurture Brand Advocates

7. Engage with your clients: A perfect example

8. Constantly Optimize User Experience

9. Embrace Paid Social

10. Look for Opportunities to Diversify

Fun Fact: 86% of marketing will be online by 2024. We are aware of how important technology has changed through marketing and we are here to help you succeed!

What makes us different

1. We guarantee you a spot in a company or at least give you feedback

2. All the companies that work with us will 100% get a good fit for their business

3. money back guarantee if we do not find the right candidate in 30 days

4. We save you money and time with recruiting!

5. We do all the onboarding and interview processes

6. Working with Social Scout Group. means a life time relationship.

7. We look for employees worldwide!

Step 1. Fill out our questionnaire

All our forms are very simple to fill out, take your time and make sure if you have any questions to let us know.

Step 2. Talk to one of our team members

If you qualify as a prospect you will schedule a call with one of our team members

Step 3. Time to Review Your Application

One of our managers will review your application and make sure to suit you with a right candidate

Step 4. Completing the initial process

After the free consulting call, we either set up a second meeting or we will we will let you know if otherwise.

Step 5. Team Training

We will now train all employees being hired and give them a run down on what to expect.

Step 6. Welcome to The Social Scout Family!

We welcome you as part of our great family where you will be in great hands!